March 19, 2006

New Macguffin Blog For Year 11

As the standard of work keeps getting better, so Macguffin keeps having to get bigger. The newest addition to the Macguffin online empire is a site especially dedicated to work produced by Year 11s that also provides help and information for them as they lead up to their exams.

At present there are three video productions on offer as well as one audio production. Do check out what's on offer and make some comments as to what you think. I'm sure you'll agree that it's mightily impressive for Year 11s. They might even make some Year 12s start worrying about the standard of their productions!!

Over the next few weeks you'll also (hopefully) see excellent examples of comic strips produced by Year 11s as practice for their controlled test (which is on Children's Comics). They have all entered a competition to produce the best ones and the winners will each receive a £15 prize and be posted up here.

1 comment:

Macguffin said...

Fair point - but what's wrong with a little bit of healthy competition? It certainly motivates a lot of people (especially boys, as I'm sure you know).

I disagree with competition if there are very definite winners and losers but here we only like to talk about winners and winners - which you all are!!

Thanks for the feedback Kiran.