After gruelling interviews by a four-person panel (including student rep Ruby) this year's media mentors have now been selected. The three Year 13s will be available to support Year 12s with their all-important Practical Productions - passing on their expertise in the fine art of editing on Adobe Premiere and providing feedback on the new Year 12 projects as they take shape.
Each is an excellent student who has already achieved top grades for practical work and they are all planning to continue to do Media Studies and video editing at university so they'll have plenty to offer. They are...

One of the driving forces behind last year's £1000 Macintyre Award winner - the powerful documentary on crime against the elderly, "Mugged".
Quite possibly the nicest young man in the whole of the Sixth Form (no, make that West London!)
He'll be working on Monday and Tuesday afternoons after school and Thursday and Friday mornings before school.

She was part of the incredible team that produced last year's 'Best Media Studies Production' about the issue of dyslexia, called "Misunderstood".
A very patient and hard-working student, she spent hours and hours sitting at PC6 this time last year - now it's the Year 12's turn, and her job to help them.
Sofia will be working with all the 'earlybirds' - she'll be in every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 8 until 9am.
And don't forget all Year 12s - you must send along at least one representative (preferably two) to every editing session (before school, and after school) every day. In addition, all available frees should be spent in the edit suite until the work is finished...there's only four and a half weeks to go!

Made a documentary last year about learning disabilities but was also called upon at the last minute to produce the final montage sequence that was played at the end of the Media Awards Evening 2005. His work here showed his capacity to work under pressure and to meet deadlines -something all Year 12s will have to do!
He'll be in the media suite during the after school session (from 3.30 until 5.30pm) every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon.
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