Here's the trailer made by Year 12 students Hasnaa, Jalna, Jasmit and Gurpreet that was featured on national television last Saturday lunchtime...on Channel 4's new user-generated content show - 'Homemade TV'. It's a polished up version of their GCSE Practical Production that makes fun of reality TV programmes and was filmed at GHS and on Southall Broadway last December. The original was spotted by the C4 producers on the Macguffin YouTube site and you can see this here allowing you to compare it with the new one.
Well done girls! And the rest of you - consider sending your films direct to 'Homemade' or making stuff for could be the next to feature on TV!
it was too fast didnt knw wot woz appinin...i preferrd da 1st version....sum hw we didnt show up inda production
M- I feel the use of sound was excellent and one of the best forms of media language used. I felt it balanced well with the Indian theme and slotted in well with the mise-en-scene which contain Indian's singing Indian songs. The editing was good and it suited well with the video. Also the typography of the title 'Freshie Idol' which was in fire and waving was strong, bright, attractive and very appealing.
C- The production uses makes use of both reality TV conventions and trailers. One convention used, which relates to Reality TV was interviews and opinions from judges just as 'X factor' does. Also they used lots of cuts just as a trailer would. In addition the slang used 'Oh very sexy brapp brapp' appeals to the target audience, teenagers, as it identifies with their way of language.
C- I feel that the production is not original; however the change of idea in have 'freshies' is different. Also the Indian theme makes it different.
A- The dialogue used is professional in some aspects e.g. 'Best new talent to arrive in the UK'. At the beginning the word 'you' from 'you been waiting for' is an appealing word and is a very good way of appeal to the audience. Also the use of binary opposition was well presented e.g. 'With the best judges' and then showing Jalna criticizing that 'Are you stupid, there is no freshie in her what so ever' after Hassna;s kind comment, followed by the judges slapping each other really show that these judges are terrible. So i feel that worked extremely well. I feel in some aspects it was authentic.
T- My view is that the use of sound was their strongest aspects and that is one of the hardest things to do when finding a song to match your production. The editing could have maybe been a bit faster but it was still good as it did get the message across that their was a new reality TV show coming. The variety of camera shots such as close up and medium shots were chosen and done well.
it was mixture between the music and the whole indian essence.the setting reflected upon the topic of the series.
the idea of freshie idol is unique, serving the audience with the opposite of pop idol. you get a sense of humour and mockery. like scary movie does, creates mockeries from other movies, this mocks the original pop idol.
after personally creating a music video i know the input of sound along with the cliop is difficult to match and takes alot of effort and determination moreover patience. the sound in freshie idol was perfect. every part was well layed out and well organised and alligned with the sound.
it used convention which were simaler to reality tv and also a trailer. this was becuase of the use of fast editing and cutting which you can also refer to MTV aetheics. it didnt waste time getting into the whole feel of it, it went straight in and made the impact it was hoping to .
it was too fast didnt knw wot woz appinin...i preferrd da 1st version....sum hw we didnt show up inda production
'Freshie Idol' analysis
M- I feel the use of sound was excellent and one of the best forms of media language used. I felt it balanced well with the Indian theme and slotted in well with the mise-en-scene which contain Indian's singing Indian songs. The editing was good and it suited well with the video. Also the typography of the title 'Freshie Idol' which was in fire and waving was strong, bright, attractive and very appealing.
C- The production uses makes use of both reality TV conventions and trailers. One convention used, which relates to Reality TV was interviews and opinions from judges just as 'X factor' does. Also they used lots of cuts just as a trailer would. In addition the slang used 'Oh very sexy brapp brapp' appeals to the target audience, teenagers, as it identifies with their way of language.
C- I feel that the production is not original; however the change of idea in have 'freshies' is different. Also the Indian theme makes it different.
A- The dialogue used is professional in some aspects e.g. 'Best new talent to arrive in the UK'. At the beginning the word 'you' from 'you been waiting for' is an appealing word and is a very good way of appeal to the audience. Also the use of binary opposition was well presented e.g. 'With the best judges' and then showing Jalna criticizing that 'Are you stupid, there is no freshie in her what so ever' after Hassna;s kind comment, followed by the judges slapping each other really show that these judges are terrible. So i feel that worked extremely well. I feel in some aspects it was authentic.
T- My view is that the use of sound was their strongest aspects and that is one of the hardest things to do when finding a song to match your production. The editing could have maybe been a bit faster but it was still good as it did get the message across that their was a new reality TV show coming. The variety of camera shots such as close up and medium shots were chosen and done well.
Overall Well done to the 'Freshie Idol' cast :)
Chintan Barot
SIR take it down :(
it was mixture between the music and the whole indian essence.the setting reflected upon the topic of the series.
the idea of freshie idol is unique, serving the audience with the opposite of pop idol. you get a sense of humour and mockery. like scary movie does, creates mockeries from other movies, this mocks the original pop idol.
after personally creating a music video i know the input of sound along with the cliop is difficult to match and takes alot of effort and determination moreover patience. the sound in freshie idol was perfect. every part was well layed out and well organised and alligned with the sound.
it used convention which were simaler to reality tv and also a trailer. this was becuase of the use of fast editing and cutting which you can also refer to MTV aetheics. it didnt waste time getting into the whole feel of it, it went straight in and made the impact it was hoping to .
Jagjeet 12A
Itss freshie idol
How do you make a blonde laugh on friday?
Tell her a joke on monday
loool at da joke
[x] LoL i LiKeD FreShY IdoL! MaDe Me LauGh It WaS WiKeD =) [x]
PuJa 13B
Why did the tomato turn red????
Coz it saw the salad dressing!!!!
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