Year 13s have already seen them all and will no doubt start the voting before Thursday but the rest of you will want to wait until the Awards Evening before making your decision.
You'll see all of these films in their entirety (and quite a few more too) but these are the ones that we think are the very best and have most chance of walking away with the prestigious trophy.
Which one will it be? The tension is mounting!!
sir seriously u think this will make a difference we know you already have the certificates ready n all!
Nothing is completely decided until the actual announcements. You know that nothing's certain in this world!
sir you plan everything in that planner of yours.. u no it aswell! so this aint gonna make no difference!
i dont see the piont of this lol ... we all know whos won (sir ur so predictable!)
(dont think i want to come.. id rather be at home doing my blog,concentrating on the RECENT CW., not the one we did a year ago lol)
Hey - Puja's sounding upbeat!
The idea is to celebrate all your excellent work. It may have been done last academic year but what you learnt is still relevant now and we should be applauding it!
*sarcastic face* r ppl constantly voting for themselves?
cmonn puja celebrate :D
well actually u can, but only if u keep cumin bak to da site.. and u lot, dese votes r so fake, cos the only people who have seen our productions are us lot, so how can 195 ppl voted.. cum on, we r an intelligent bunch, who u tryna fool?
humaa sum1 posted rude comments that got deleted :O tut tut tut.. people dese dayz! chill out like.. we al gona win sufink n if we dont, we all got A's n passed our exams.. no biggie man, its only a bit of fun!! no need 2 make it out like its life or death
i jst wanna say, dat ashley n nathan so deserved that award and im so glad dat they won it :D well done boys. WoOoOO We WoN a TroPheY.. BiG up My CreW!!
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