In particular, read the 'Subject Specific Guide' as this is most relevant to you as Media Studies students and contains the assignments that you have to work on while you're at Disneyland.
These assignments are posted at the Macguffin Forum and you'll have to answer them online when you're back in England (although you should take notes while you're away). There are only five (unlike the seven in the pack) as these are the most useful for you - we don't like setting unnecessary work, do we? The deadlines for completion of all tasks is as follows...
Year 12s - Monday 6th February at 9am (so it will have to be done over the weekend after you get back);
Year 13s - Thursday 9th February at 9am (giving you an extra two days as you've got your Independent Studies to worry about before then - due on Tuesday 7th, in case you'd forgotten)
Please note that these deadlines must be met or you'll be referred to the PSWs and we'll have to reconsider whether we can allow you on future trips - you must have something to show for taking three days off school during your A Levels.
Don't forget as well - see your teachers on Monday (if you haven't already done so) to find out what work you'll be missing and make sure you catch up!
Finally, don't forget your passport, your toothbrush or your microwave oven (Russell).
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