October 28, 2006

Class of the Week!

Here's the article that appears across the borough in the various editions of this week's local newspaper, The Gazette (Greenford, Southall, Ealing...) Get your copy now before they all sell out!

It's great to get some really positive coverage for the school (and for Media Studies, of course). And the shots are great aren't they?

What a glamorous bunch we all are at 'Hollywood High'!


Representation of Women in Slasher films changing said...

haha..sirr..EWWW fink i got abit excited..big smile n that! LOL! i saw that on saturdayyy..was thinkin..*hmm wens mr bush gna put it up?*..suchhhhh an uglyy pik man! sooo closee!but we all got booosted haha!

Puja said...

LoL too bad the teachers werent in the picture. we couldnt of done any of it without them.