October 13, 2006

And The Winner Is...

Check out the proud Mums who claim they were in tears of joy when it was announced that their boys had won 'Best Media Studies Production' 2006. Ashley and Nathan follow in a long and illustrious line of winners for this award that now reads:

2003 - Smoke Weed Everyday
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

2004 - Strap
(Part 1, Part 2)

2005 - Misunderstood
Mugged & Light in the Sky)

2006 -
A Life of Grime

And so after all the talk of Girl Power it was actually the lads that won it but, then again, they've still got their Mums to thank at the end of it all!

Here's the review (on your left, click on the image to enlarge) of the top film, that went down a storm at the Awards Evening last night, and although it faced some stiff competition (most notably from
Bullicide) its triumph was richly deserved, with most people in the audience agreeing with the judges' verdict.

And below you can see the whole thing again...Part One is the first window, followed by Part Two.

What did you think of the night? The atmosphere was amazing - so much tension and so much excitement. But did the screams, whistles and glowsticks get to be a bit too much - girls, eh? Did it live up to its billing as one of the biggest events in the GHS calendar? And how could it be improved in future years? Let us know in the comments.

Also, keep voting in the Macguffin poll - it'll be interesting to see how things change now that everyone has seen the films.

Brapp, brapp! (As they say)...


BusHaRa said...

definatley desereved to win!! :D

Anonymous said...

well done boys!

Kill Bill Volume Two said...

Well Done Guys! =)
