Some of last year's Disney trip students on the final day.
Looks like a few of them haven't had much sleep!
For the 48 students coming to Disney in January, the time has now come for you to part with the remaining £86 to pay for the trip. You have all received the letter requesting the money but this is an additional reminder to let you know that it must be handed in by Wednesday 30-11-05 (the last day of the month as we have to pay the travel company at the start of December).
Don't forget that you also need to ensure you sort out the following NOW because you will be withdrawn from the trip if you don't have them by the time we return after Christmas...
- Check you have a passport that is valid beyond February '06. If you don't then you need to apply for one immediately because it can take quite a long time to process.
- Get a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). This replaces the old E111s and everyone needs to get the new card. Information is available here - you can either go to the Post Office to pick up a form or do it by phone.
For Year 12 & Year 13 students...
You will be pleased to know that the Macguffin Forum can now be accessed from within school so there are no longer any excuses not to visit and air your views.
Please make sure that you visit it at least once a week and that you post up at least one message - in addition to any that you are required to make for homework. Only through your participation and commitment can we develop a thriving Media studies e-community.
By clicking on memberlist you can see how many posts each person has made, view them all on one page and email them directly. (Note: Your posts will only show up here if you have registered and if you log on before posting). Obviously, Macguffin will be making use of this information when it comes to awarding credits and commendations for the most prolific and interesting posters. Well done to Jaskeerat, Sherish, Kavita and Jatinder who are leading the way at the moment with 15/16 posts each - as many as Macguffin! A credit for each of you!
For Year 12 & Year 13 students...You will all receive your first Interim Report this week on Raising Achievement Day. When you do, make sure that you decide upon a specific target (or several) for improvement for Media Studies.
12C & 13C will get their Media grades in the lessons beforehand and will already have discussed targets but all of you have completed a self-evaluation over the last few weeks and this should have included three personal targets. You may wish to stick with these or you may decide - having seen the report - that a different area requires focus.
Make sure you are ready to report back on these targets in next week's lessons.
Your Interim Reports are in the process of being written at this moment and will be transmitted over the course of the next week (once you've completed your self-evaluations). These will hopefully reflect what a productive time it has been since the start of the year. There has been a very impressive level of commitment from Media students and, as a result, more commendations have been issued than ever before. These have been for receiving five or more credits (with each credit being issued, usually, for very good or excellent homework) or for extra-curricular work (of which there has been loads).
Congratulations to the following who all received commendations during the first half term...12CKiran A, Navdeep, Jatinder, Alliya, Alice, Parampreet, Jaskeerat, Avinash, Shreena.12DSherish (2), Balinder (2), Kiran J, Rajan, Ramneet, Puja, Bushara, Dinveer, Jagdish, Gurveer (2).13CCharanpal, Aanchal (2), Manjoth (3), Harbinder, Iena (2), Steven (2), Abisheik, Bilan, Anita, Mariam, Kristina (2).13DRajpreet, Imroj, Ismail, Sonia, Nadia, Hari, Ladan, Chiraag, Renuka, Nisha.