November 05, 2006


For Year 12 & 13 students…

To be completed over the course of the next week (by Friday 10-11).

Your responses will be used to help write your Interim Reports and help us to plan a better course for you.

Write an evaluation of your progress on the Media course so far.
Year 12s do the work on paper and hand in; Year 13s post the work up on your Module 5 blogs.

a. Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade with an explanation outlining why:

(Grading should be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • Attainment
  • Effort
  • Punctuality
  • Submission and quality of homework
  • Ability to work independently
  • Quality of writing
  • Organisation of Media folder
  • Oral contributions in class
  • Comments & contributions to the Macguffin blog (Year 12s only)
  • Standard of Module 5 blog (Year 13s only)
  • Standard of Module 6 blog (Year 13s only)
b. Make a list of three targets/areas for improvement over the next half-term.


Write an evaluation of the actual course/teaching.
All students please submit the work as a comment after this post. Include your name!

a. Answer each of the following with a grade (1-5), giving reasons/examples:

(Grading should again be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • How well is the course organised?
  • How interesting is the content that is covered?
  • How useful are the handouts?
  • Have the lessons been well-paced?
  • What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
  • How well has the course met your expectations?
  • Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)
  • Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
b. Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.


Rajan said...
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Rajan said...

1) How well is the course organised?

1= The course is v.well organised we receive a lot of information and the blog is a good idea, provides the students with a lot of help

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?

2= Course been pretty interesting this year but we've been doing loads of independant study work which does drag on at times

3) How useful are the handouts?

1= Handouts are v.useful, they provide a lot of info and a good source for revision

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?

2= Lessons are well-paced, just sometimes we do so much reading, lessons can drag on

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1= Teachers got v.good understanding of subject and provide the students with help whenever they need

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

2= Knew what to expect from last year and been quite interesting, again the blog work at times has dragged on

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

1= The trips have been useful and informative

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1= The blog is very useful, a good way of getting help from teachers and students and also provides all the homework and is always up-to-date

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1) More interactive/video lessons
2) More trips
3) More handouts

CuTiE PiE said...
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CuTiE PiE said...

hOw well is the course oRgAnisEd?
1...i think the course is organised very well, the blog is really helpful as it is easy accessible.

hOw interesting is the content that is cOvErEd?
2...i gave a 2 as although i do enjoy media the independent stdy work does tend to get quite tedious at times...hehe!

hOw useful are the hAnDoUtS?
1...i think the handouts that we receive are really detailed and very helpful.

hAvE the lessons been weLL- pLaCeD?
2...the lessons are well placed however the reading can get kind of boring sometimes...

wHaT is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject kNoWLeDgE?
BuSh n MuNrO's knowledge...eeEeE eRrM not readi, 1!Teachers are very helpful and are always very welcoming to offer anyone help.

hOW well has the course met your eXpEctaTiOnS?
2...the course is just as interesting as last year but the blog work can get quite repetitive!

hAvE the extra-curricular events been uSeFuL? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)
1...yes of course, its always nice to have something more then just the usual lessons, and the trips and awards evening was a nice start to the beginning of the year!

hAs the Macguffin Blog been uSeFuL?
1...yes it has been very useful, as its really easy to log into and post up your work!

mAkE a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/iMpRoVed...
mOrE tRiPs...mOrE tRiPs aNd eRmM mOrE gRoUpWork!

[G.C] x...pRiYa...x [G.C]

Dinni said...

1) How well is the course organised?

1= The course is organised well, especially the decision to use blogs instead of folders. There is always help avialable, and we recieve detailed handouts which contribute to the help.

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?

2= Content covered this year is quite repitative i.e. represenation of women. However i am looking forward to wacthing the scary/slasher movies!

3) How useful are the handouts?

1= Handouts are very useful as they provide a detail anylsis of the content covered during lesson. this is good for revising later!

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?

1= Lessons are well-paced and enjoyable. However we need to do more practical work even though our focus is on our independent studies.

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1= the teachers standard is excellent. They always have a exciting lesson planned and also a very indepth knowledge of the suject

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

2= So far everything is going well on the course! pretty similar to last year, however now we have to blogs we have to cater to on a weekly basis.

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

1= The trips have been useful in giving is a greater knowlegde on art-house cinema! Awards eveing have boosted my confidence and shows that the work we have done has been appreciated.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1= The blog is very useful as it keeps is up-to-date with homework and other assignments. we can also interact with other sudents via the blog.

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1) More interactive/video lessons
2) More trips
3) More handouts


Xxx_kay_xxX said...

How well is the course organised?
1=The course is well organised , the handouts, blogs and discussions in class or help me understand better.

How interesting is the content that is covered?
1/2=I quite enjoy the work we are currently doing on the independent study.

How useful are the handouts?
1=the handouts are very useful because they are detailed and usually quite easy to understand.

Have the lessons been well-paced?
1=Lessons have been well paced & the class discussions are very helpful.

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
1= the teacher presentation and subject knowledge is great, they explain things well in lessons.

How well has the course met your expectations?
1=course has met my expectations

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)
1=I think the trips and awards evening are good motivating factors.

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
1= the blog is very useful again it personally motivates me to do my work as it lets you be quite creative as well.

three suggestions of things I’d like to see changed/improved:
1.more trips
2.more handouts
3. How to post up the flash player on to the blog.


Puja said...

Course Evaluation:

1 How well is the course organised :
The blog really helps to keep everything in order. A great Idea!

2 How interesting is the content that is covered :
I think media on a whole is a very interesting topic to be studying.

3 How useful are the handouts :
yeh i think there good especially because mr bush makes us read and high light them lol he makes SURE that we all read it through lol

4 Have the lessons been well-paced:
i think they have been i mean.. its our job to go home and read through stuff we dont understand.

5 What is the standard of the teachers presentation subject knowlegde :
lol if i answer tht i would feel like im tryna get rude lol nahh im messin i think its clear that mr bush and mr munro are good media teachers. i feel bad though lol coz im so naughty in mr munro's lesson lol he said im turning into mayuri every day : : i dont know whether i should take that as a compliment or not lol sorry mr munro i will be good from now on lol

6 Have the extra -cirricular events been useful :
people argue that the trips we go on are not educational but i KNOW that i have learnt so much from them. not to mention the never ending handout mr bush gives us lol dont worry sir thats a good thing.

7 Has the macguffin Blog been useful :
before i wasnt too keen on the blog but it actually is a very neat and organised way of keeping hold of my research. i think the blog was a good idea. thankyou to person who came up with it! lol

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

- Definately start up film club again or start watching more film footage in class
- group work
-Instead of handouts - more written work.

Anonymous said...

1) How well is the course organised?

1= i think the course is excellently organised, we're given useful handouts and there is good communication between both teachers...unlike some subjects...

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?

1= especially because we've chosen our own thing to do for our coursework so obviously we'd choose what we're interested in, also the stuff in class is really interesting and we've gone into more depth with it compared to last year.

3) How useful are the handouts?

2= some of it really great and it will be really useful when it comes to revision and making links to our coursework, some of it is just repetition

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?

2= yea pretty much, it doesn't seem as long as last year, for example with med6 we seem to be covering something new each lesson.

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1= great understanding, as expected, personally i find it engaging when the internet is being used

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

2= blog work is still fun, i thought it'd be quite tedious, even though it is at times

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

3= i really don't see how kidulthood helped me or came of any use, the media awards was good fun, great for everyone to see our work.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1= yep, always is when you're not quite sure what the homework is, it's also great for looking at what other people are doing for their coursework and see if there is any over-lapping.

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1)more use of the internet
2)more group work (the posters were fun!!)
3) more trips, you guys have to make up for not taking us france! boo!

oh and another cause this has gotta be a must - start up film club again!

Jatinder :)

Kunal said...

• How well is the course organised?
1 – Course is well organised and has a good, constant structure so we always know what we’re doing and are about to cover (which is helpful for personal use). Also, the blog is a useful source of reference.
• How interesting is the content that is covered?
2- Content covered is quite interesting although can get a little tedious sometimes and could be slightly more challenging in terms of lesson work.
• How useful are the handouts?
2 -Handouts are really useful as future sources of revision. I found the cine packs to be extremely useful and quite interesting. Although, I think that we need more handouts from Ms Jones’ lessons.
• Have the lessons been well-paced?
2 - Lessons are well paced allowing the class to maintain interest and remain alert at all times. However, I think that Ms Jones’ lessons could incorporate slightly more work in the lessons and more detail in terms of content.
What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
1 – Excellent. Both teachers try hard to engage with the class and explain things well.
• How well has the course met your expectations?
2 - Course has met my expectations well. I like the fast pace of the lessons in terms of the amount of work we have covered and think that we have learnt a great deal. Although, I feel that we could learn some more challenging stuff.
• Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)
1- Have been really useful. Kidulthood trip was good as it allowed us to experience the film at the cinema as opposed to just in the classroom.
Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
2 – Only use blog when homework is set on it although it is really useful if your not quite sure of what to do. I think the blog will be more beneficial to me as a student when we start our practical productions and so are more involved in it.

Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.
1) More recognition of HW.
2) Class presentations?
3) Ooo…and the film club-sounds good!

Pip said...

1) How well is the course organised?

1=the organisation is logical.. every lesson follows on from the next so gradually everything comes together.

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?

1= I find it really interesting because we can all relate to the content in some way or another and plus most of it's all contemporary.

3) How useful are the handouts?
2= the handouts are concise but not always easy to digest.

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?
Yep, as always.

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1= i'm not a sycophant.

6) How well has the course met your expectations?
1= Had high expectations and they've been met so far.

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

1= they're educational and fun!

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1= Very much so :)

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.
1. More debates or something along those lines so the whole class can get involved.
2. Maybe trying to incorporate current affairs into the course just to enhance our understanding of media theory.
3. Move me from where i sit in Mr. Bush's class-feel so isolated!!

Kavita said...

1)How well is the course organised?

1= I think the course is organised excellently, we recieve good handouts and the blogs add to this.

2)How interesting is the content that is covered?

1= i think the content covered is very interesting and it makes media an overall very enjoyable subject.

3) How useful are the handouts?

1= The handouts are very useful and both teachers make sure we understand them fully..especially MRr Munro! They are good to go back to for revision as well

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?

1= The lessons have been well placed

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1= Both Mr Bush and Munro show a very high standard of presentation/subject knowledge which helps us to understand the subject just as well.

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

1= The course has exceeded my expectations especially in year 13

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

1= They have all been useful educational wise others. The media master class was really good as well.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1= It has been very useful in keeping up to date with homework and for our independent study (instead of printing everything out) and for med 6.

b. Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved:
1) More trips for this year
2) More group work

Nikki said...

1) How well is the course organised?

Mr Bush's course in particular is very well organised. I learn a vast amount in his classes. Other teachers i'm sure are just as good!

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?

Once again, i find Mr Bush's module a lot more interesting than others and they say you should enjoy what you learn to get good results!

3) How useful are the handouts?

Honestly, i'm not too fond of handouts as they can be quite messy so instead i think it's important for myself to extract important information from the handouts and make them into bullet points.

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?

Lessons are well paced because i normally understand everything before we move to the next topic/lesson.

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

Mr Bush has been teaching Media for year so he is very well experianced so i truly believe i am receiving my knowledge from someone with excellent knowledge on what they are trying to knowledge me about (if that makes sense :S)

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

I've never studied Media before and I really do enjoy it so it has exceeded my expectations because i do not dislike it.

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful?

Definately. They will help me improve my work and knowledge.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

of course. Now i've got no excuse for not doing homework!

Three suggestions for improvement
* homework should be more spaced out, eg; we should have one week to complete big pieces of homework
* more interactive lessons
* more printed out notes as i prefer annotating handouts as opposed to note taking.

By Nikki Sahota

Jaskeerat said...

How well is the course organised?
1, its well organised, hand-outs are good, the blogs excellent and its good how the work with both teachers link.

How interesting is the content that is covered?
2, its good. I think right now all the female rep stuff is really useful for some people and thier coursework, its kinda repetitive though.

How useful are the handouts?
2, some are really good and then others just repeat the same info.

Have the lessons been well-paced?
1, the lessons are well-paced, you can get so much done and still have enough time to vist macguffin

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
1, clearly they know a lot.

How well has the course met your expectations?
2, the blog work is so lonley to do on our own but its not as repetitive as last year.

Have the extra-curricular events been useful?
eh? 1, um yes...the kidulthood trip was okay. But media awards beat that by a mile!

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
2, of course (when it finally stopped being mean to me)

b. Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved
1.More group work
2.give us another trip!! blog work.

Jaskeerat :D

harveen said...

1) How well is the course organised?

1= it is very well organised and alot of iformation is provided like handouts etc... that help increase our knowledge of the subject.

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?

2= the course is very interesting and i have learnt about new things such as theorits that help with my independent study.

3) How useful are the handouts?

1= Very useful and contain good information that is easy to understand.

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?

1= yes they are wll paced and we get evrything done.

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1= well mr bush n mr munro kno alot about the subject which is good and aslo explain information is a good way that we understand.

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

2= the course has met my same expectations as last year, but this year we do loads of reading n stuff which i didnt expect, but this is useful in a way.

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

1= the trips have been very informative and useful to me.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1= yes it has been useful to me as it is easy to post up my work for my independent study and also is a easy n useful way of getting help from the teachers.

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1) more films to watch in class.
2)more trips.
3)more handouts.

BusHaRa said...
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BusHaRa said...

1) How well is the course organised?

I would give the course a 2, sometimes i get confused as to what we are learning and which module it is for (this was more so the case in yr 12) sometimes i feel like we jump from work to quickly.

2)How interesting is the content that is covered?

i would have to give that a 1, the work we cover is always intresting and relevant, i often engage in the lesson really fast, and find that its good at keeping my attention (even during the double lessons)

3)How useful are the handouts?

1- all handouts are useful, and good for revising from

4)Have the lessons been well-paced?

Lessons have been well paced, i never feel like we are going to fast, sometimes i feel like we repeat things over and over agen but then agen that needs to be done other wise we would neva learn it.

5)What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1- both mr bush and mr munro know the subject they teach inside out and if they know it well it means they can teach it well, they are always able to bring their own knowledge into it, instead of just reading from a text book- which isnt the best teaching method. I prefer when the teacher talks to the class..

6)How well has the course met your expectations?

Its met my expectations because i known what its going to be like from last year- so no suprises really.

7)Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

1-havent been on any of the trips, i never realised how rewarding the media awards night was until it was for our year and its your work up there, you feel so proud and happy that others get to see your work.. so it was really useful, it makes you enthusiastic about the subject.

8)Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

2- the blog is useful in some ways but sumtimes creates petty competition and that just annoys me because at the end of the day, its the exams that count really. But for doing reseach and stuff, its a lot easier then paper.

Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1- more debates in lessons, where you get to recall your knowledege and learn from others.

and i reli dont kno what elseeeeee XXXXXXXX

Charlies Angels-Full Throttle said...

How well is the course organised?

1=I think the course has been well organised such as the useful handouts that are given in lesson. I also think that the blog is very useful making it easier to work with.

How interesting is the content that is covered?

2= I think the things we are doing is quite interesting for example the representation as this also helps me with my independent study, another area that I find interesting at the moment.

How useful are the handouts?

1= I think the handouts given in lesson are very useful especially for my independent study as both units give me research that I will be able to use. Med 4 handouts are useful as they contain useful information and statistics in depth, mostly the media, gender and identity book which is also a book I am using for my independent study. Med 6 handouts are useful as they explain theories clearly and in depth, making it easier for me to understand, there handouts are also useful for my independent study that book is a book I will be using to help me with some theories.

Have the lessons been well passed?

1= the lessons have been well passed as they are not to fast making it easier to take all the information in.

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentations/subject knowledge?

1= the teachers subject knowledge is good as they explain their point clearly and present it well making it easier to understand and make notes form.
How well has the course met your expectations?
1= the course so far has met my expectations I had about the course before it started.

Have the extra curriculum events been useful?

1= I think the extra events that take place such as the media awards have been useful because it gives us the sense of achievement raising self esteem. The trips have also been useful as we are able to talk about them in our exams, so they have been very useful.

Has the Macguffin blog been useful?

1= I think that the Macguffin blogs have been useful especially for the independent study. On the blogs we are able to post up some links and the site we have used so far making it easier for when we have to write a bibliography. It also is very useful when sharing or getting ideas from other blogs related to your topic.

List of three suggestions:
1.I would like be given more useful handouts in lesson.
2.More trips


~Kiran. A~ said...

1. How well is the course organised?

(1) I think the course is organised very well, as it includes almost everything required for each topic or area.

2. How interesting is the content
that is covered?

(1) It's way better than last year, i don't know i feel that im enjoying year 13 more than year 12, maybe becuase of the content coverage.

3. How useful are the handouts?

(1)At first i thought that the handouts are so useless and are not going to come in handy, however they are extremely and include a wide range which is helpful for almost all the areas.

4. Have the lessons been well-paced?

(1) Yes indeed and keep it up!!

5. What is the standard of the
teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

(1) I think both teachers have incredible subject knowledge and are meeting the standards.

6. How well has the course met your expectations?

(2) Well i was expecting it to be like this, howevrr at times it just gets a bit boring and maybe unrelated, maybe becuase we havn't come to the main area of topic.

7. Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

(1/2) I think they were really beneficial, like the film trips and also the Awards Eve was just great, however i think that there should be more just to make the subject more interesting and enjoyable.

8. Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

(1) I think this is a really good idea the teachers have come out with as it is contemporary and involves the new media and also it makes the homework more enjoyable as you can research at the same time and also use your creative skills to design attractive and lively blogs which makes work much more fascinating.

b. Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1. More trips.

2. Maybe debates covering contemporary and historical topics to discuss on in class.

3. More active and creative.

~Kiran. A~

neema said...

* How well is the course organised?
1- the course is well organised, and we receive relevant information to help us with our studies. Also the blog has been useful to keep track of various pieces of work

* How interesting is the content that is covered?
1- so far the content has been interesting and the teachers have helped to make media more enjoyable.

* How useful are the handouts?
2- handouts are really useful, as they are good for revision and easy to understand so relevant info can be highlighted.

*Have the lessons been well-paced?
2- lessons have been well paced so we do not loose interest in the topic we are studying.

* What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
1- both teachers have a good understanding of the topic and do their best to help us

*How well has the course met your expectations?
1- the course has met my expectations as we are covering something new almost every lesson

* Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)
2- they have been useful, as the awards evening gave us an insight of the high standard of work produced.

*Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
1- the blog has been helpful in keeping up to date with homework and important dates>trips!

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.
* more use of the interactive board
*more trips
*more group work

Jas said...

1:How well is the course organised?

1=the course is well organised as the teachers are giving h/w that help us and give detailed info on the main topics

2:How interesting is the content that is covered?

1=the content that is covered is interesting because we've seen a movie in class which i did'nt suspect alongside watching clips and we've been on a trip. we've been learning visually thats what hope will carry on.

3:How useful are the handouts?

1=the handouts are really helpful as they help me with the h/w and remind me what should be in an essay. it is precise.

4:Have the lessons been well-paced?

2= even though i've missed a couple of lessons we still get the work that has been set and cach up with the work. i think that we are moving fast but going through the topics thouroly.

5:What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1=the teacher i have mr bush + ms stevens are v.good and are well prepared for the leson as we get started as soon as we sit down. also they expect you to catch with the work if you've missed a lesson and talk to them...

6:How well has the course met your expectations?

1=i didn't expect us to do as much visual learning as i first thought because we didn't in gcse. but i think its cool and a better way of learning

7:Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

1=even though i've seen kidulthood before at home i thought it was better in the cinema and it was free which was good, the awards evening helped me a lot as it gave me good ideas on what i can do for my practical production

8:Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1= the blog is good because it tells us about the h/w we will get and we dont have to ask the teacher what the h/w.

by jas 12b

Jas said...

more trips like behind the scenes of bbc programmes or other places

i think we need to do some groupwork

and carry on with the visual work

jas 12b

xalliayax said...

1. The course I beleiev is extremely well organised, its clear that alot of time, effort, and dedication is put into the course through the amount of handouts we are given, and how we are taught in terms of not only analysing, but also presenting, and debating.

2.The media course is one of the most interesting courses I have taken, alongside both english lit, and art. The course is ful of so many varieties and mediums that the course becomes ever changing, and has never been unintersting so far.I feel the students are given enormous freedom, and can tackle their work in many creative aspects if they choose to do so.

3. The handouts provide us with an enormous amount of information, that can almost always be incorporated within our own work. They benefit the students in many ways, as they make us aware of differnt aspects of the media, in which we may have not considered.

4. The Lessons are very well paced, and follow on from what we usualy have learnt last time, this makes it less confusing and more clear and concise.

5.The teachers are very wel informed on the subject, and help us realise perspectives within the media not only in educational terms, however through other views and opinions that help us understand the course beter.

6. The course had definetly lived up to the expectaions I expected if not beter. The media course is full of intersting takes on society, and incorporates film, and other mediums which always keep our minds preoccupied.

7.The extra curicular events have definetly motivated students within the media course; By being part of such an exciting course merely inspires others to work hard.

8. The macguffin blog has been very very useful, it allows you to keep up to date with your work.. and allows us to have our own free space to represent our own original ideas and thoughts.

3 changes:
More use of film within lessons
More debates/discussions

Sherish said...

How well is the course organised?
1-OoOoH i think the course is pretty well organised - best department in the school!

How interesting is the content that is covered?
1-all the stuff we cover is interesting.. it just gets better and better. Much better then last year, even though that was interesting!

How useful are the handouts?
Hmm..2- they have way too much writing on them even though its all relevent but reading them does get boring.

Have the lessons been well-paced?
1-i should think so.. but the doubles in which we just read are boring.

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
1-o wow me and bushara bigged munro and bush at the masterclass.. the examiner was impressed with our knowledge and said our teachers knew their stuff! we agree!

How well has the course met your expectations?
1-i love it!

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)
1-yep yep

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?copy and past
2-it is useful but there are some idiots who think they can just copy paste other peoples work.. but at the end of the day wen it comes to results day it pays off dont it?!

b. Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1) teachers should read blog more often.. it demotivates us when it has not been checked
2) film clubbbbbbbbb for us
3) less reading.. learn it some other way?!


CuTiE PiE said...


(Grading should again be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)

How well is the course organised? 1 the course is weel organised the material is taught well in a way we can understand and interct with the class sharing ideas and giving our own opnions we receice alot of valuble information

How interesting is the content that is covered?
2-it is covered well the teachers give their own knowledge and as a class ideas are shared making us think alot more and

How useful are the handouts?
1-thehandouts are extremly useful all as we keep them tehrefroe we will always have something to look back on for the future

Have the lessons been well-paced? 1 yes, they arewell paced not to fast or to slow

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? 1- the teachers are well organised and have alot of knowledge they gve theie own opnions too which goes on to class discusions

How well has the course met your expectations? 1- overall the course is well paced and organised so yes it has met my expectations

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)1- these just make us more interested int he subject making us motivated and work together as a team

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
b. Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.
it is usefull we can se eachothers ideas

..RUBY (forgot my password so using priyas name)

x..sam..x said...


How well is the course organised?
1.. i think the course is well organised..we are given usefulinformation hand out etc and the blog is a gd way to keep everything organised..

How interesting is the content that is covered?
2.. the course can be interesting at times but it really depends on what you personally find more interesting so some things tend to drag on slightly..

How useful are the handouts?
1.. the handouts given are always helpful and give relevent information for what were studying..

Have the lessons been well-paced?
2.. most of the lessons are well placed however lessons that revolve around alot of reading can become boring..

What is the standard of the teachers’presentation/subject knowledge?
1.. teachers are always willing to offer students help when its needed and the have a good understnding of the subject..Well done BuSh AnD MuNrO :D lol

How well has the course met your expectations?
2.. the corse is similar to last year however the independent study can again drag on slightly especially all the blog work..

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)
1.. Def. useful we should have some more :D..

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
1..even though it can be abit long at times it is a very usful way to keep uptodate with deadlines events etc. and is also a way to keep h/w organised.

A list of three suggestions of things I would like to see changed/improved:
- MoRe TrIpS!!! (we haveeee to go paris!!!)...
- MoRe 'FuN' LesSoNz eg GrOuP WoRk!!!...
- mOrE clAsS dEbAtEs :D!!..

ashmed6 said...

How well is the course organised?

(1)The course seems to be well organisedand we are always seemed to have well structured lessons and links are made with previous topics and new ones.

How interesting is the content that is covered?

(2)The course is very interesting, the best media concepts have been chosen to study i.e. representation, genre.

How useful are the handouts?

(3) They are very useful when looked at however when you are given lots of sheets they tend to get put in your folder and forgotten about.

Have the lessons been well-paced?

(2)Yes, i think we spend just the right amount of time, on the different topics we cover in lessons.

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

(1)I think we are lucky to have teachers with such great knowledge on the subject.

How well has the course met your expectations?

(1)The course has been as interesting as i expected it to be.

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

(2)The awards evening was a great tool of motivation to create the best work possible so we could be rewarded. The trips are also very good however we should be able to do more.

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

(1)Yes, it's been a great help, as i regularly forget what the homework is an the macguffin allows me to check on what work was set.

1.More competitive exercises, interacting both classes as this raises the level of work.

2.More class presentations, by urself not in a group.

3. More trips.

Anonymous said...

How well is the course organised?

1= The course is organised very well.The handouts and the blog are useful coz it has alot of information and the blog helps to keep track of deadlines.

How interesting is the content that is covered?

2= The course has been interesting so far,watching films and trips helps enjoy the course.

How useful are the handouts?

1= handouts are good coz we dont need to take loads of notes down nd they are eaiser to understand

Have the lessons been well paced?

1= yes

What is the standard of the teachers presentation/subject knowledge?

1= Teachers have a good understanding of the subject.

How well has the course met your excpectations?

1= very well

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

1= the extra activities have been fun..awards evening was good, trip was fun and enjoyed it.

Has the media macguffin site been useful?

1=The blog has been very useful to check when homework has been set.

Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1.More trips
2.Group work
3.More Handouts


Anonymous said...

1)How well is the course organised?

1- The course is organisd very well. The blog is very helpul because it helps me keep track of da wrk n catch up on da wrk tht i missed.(1)

2)How interesting is the content that is coverd?

2- So far the content of this course has bn interesting. The info we hve received has bn useful 4 revision notes.(1)

3)How useful are handouts?

3- The handouts r v.useful because it's easier 2 organise and so far they've helped me a bit in the course. Also u cn jus read through the packs n just highlight the key points.(1)

4)Have the lessons been well-paced?

4- Yes they have(2)

5)What is the standard of teacher's presentation and knowledge?

5- The standard of knowledge of teacher's is excellent. Mr Bush N Ms Jones provide us wiv a variety of info which is helping me progess through the course.(1)

6)How well has the course met your expectations?

6- The course has so been like wat I thought I would b like(2)

7)Have the extra-cirruclar events been useful?

7- Yh the extra-cirruclar events have been use ful because whaen we went 2 da awards evening the previous AS student's wrk reli helped me understand the quaility of wrk I nd 2 produce dis yr.(2)

8)Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

8- Yes because as I said b4 it's helped me kp on track wiv da course and it helped me lst year as well.(1)

.More Trips
.More Handouts
.More Class Discussions


Representation of Women in Slasher films changing said...

1) How well is the course organised?

1..very well!the hand outs are very useful and teachers are helpful too!

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?

2..its quite interesting...the content of the course focuses alot on the students interests..

3) How useful are the handouts?

1..the handouts are very useful..provides us with relevant info and its good to refer back to them when revising..

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?

2..yeh the lessons are very well paced..theres loads of activities to do so the students dont get bored!

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1..the standard of the teachers are very good.i feel like iv learnt ALOT!

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

2..the course is an interesting as i expected

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.. Trips)

1..the trips and media awards evening have both been a success! and yep useful to the course..the media awards gave students in yr12 a good taster of what to expect and look forward to later on in the course..

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

2..i think the blog has been very keeps you up to date with work and allows you to interact with other students..and also teachers!

Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved..

1..more handouts..
2..more trips..
3..watching more film clips and annotating them

Anonymous said...

I really feel that the course was organised very well and that every class lesson is prepared carefully. For example the media pack that we did was extremely effective as it covered all the key points and media terminology, also the movie extracts that were used to demonstrate some of the key terminology and points as well as basing questions upon them were chosen very well.

Also much of the content that is covered in this course is very interesting, for example some of the key aspects of film and media and the movie that we are studying for our exam is also a captivating film to study. It very much relies on the audience to make their own opinions about things.

The handouts have been very and seem like a mini textbook because the content is so useful. They also cover many of the topic areas and provide extensive background knowledge on many things. E.g. background information on “BULLT BOY”, etc. this combined with the well-paced lessons and excellent presentation has made the course a lot more interesting and easier to understand.

Many of the extra curricular events have been engaging and at the same time have thought me many things about media. For example the awards evening has taught me what is expected of us on our practical productions. The Macguffin website has been particularly helpful as it out lines many of the events that are taking place, gives extra info and knowledge and allows us to read other students views on many of the topics that are being discussed.

Finally, the course has been brilliant so far and offers many prospects for the future, and with the help from the teachers who have in dept knowledge about the subject will always give us some thing to improve on and help us to achieve the best grade. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR!

Organisation of course-1
How interesting is the content of course- 1
How useful are the hand outs- 1
Lessons planned- 1
The teacher’s presentation/knowledge of subject- 1
Extra curricular events- 2
Macguffin Blog-2

 I would like past exam questions to practice on, to get a better understanding on what to expect and anticipate what questions could be asked.

(I couldn’t think of any thing else because the teaching and the course so far has been superb)

Sundeep Kahlon 12A

Anonymous said...

1.)How well is the course organised?

2= I think that the course is organised well as i am able to understand things that go on in class and am up to date with the topics.

2.) How interesting is the content that is covered?

3= I think the content has been fairly interesting as in class we learn visually and this makes media more interesting.

3.) How useful are the handouts?

2= The handouts are as good as they can get and do help me to revise and do the homework.

4.) Have the lessons been well-placed?

3= The lessons have been well placed and do becomes interesting with the discussions in class but i think that writing notes can become boring and therefor cause me to lose interest in that lesson.

5.) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

2= The teachers do know their stuff and do present and pass on information very well but i think they achieve more when lessons are based more on class discussions than just writing lots of stuff.

6.) How well has the course met your expectations?

2= I think that the course has met my expectations because its based more upon movie study rather than other media subjects which is what i was hoping for.

7.) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

4= So far i would say that the extra curricular events haven't been as useful as the media department think they have as i think there could be a better event organised for us.

8.) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1= The Macguffin blog has been very useful as all the homework and events information has been put on it for us to access when we need to.

3 things to improve the course:

1.)Equal amount of writing and discussion in class.

2.)Events need to be more informational

3.) Homework needs to be cut down so that we can give it more of our time then to just rush it.

Farah Khan

a_moran said...

How well is the course organised?
1- Very well organised with lots of different types of work to do like worksheets & the blog

How interesting is the content that is covered?
2- Lot of the content is very interesting but sometimes learning stuff like theorists can be dull

How useful are the handouts?
2- Usually very useful, relevant and concise but there's a lot of them

Have the lessons been well-paced?
2- Yes, except sometimes reading through worksheets can be boring

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
1- Always really helpful especially in the Independent Study

How well has the course met your expectations?
1- The work has carried on from last year smoothly

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)
1- The trips have been fun and informative and also the Awards Evening was really good as we had a goal to work towards

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
1- The blog has been really useful for checking homework and keeping up-to-date.

b. Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1/ More trips
2/ More creative work
3/ All homework put up on Macguffin so we always know what to be doing

Anonymous said...

1) How well is the course organised?

1 - The course has been organised very well organised and i like the idea that we have a blog which we can turn to for accurate information and help.

2)How interesting is the content that is covered?

1 - I think that the content covered is excellent as most of it relates to people our age and we have done alot of independant work.

3)How useful are the handouts?

2 - The handouts are v.good as they are not just tons of writing on a page which can get a little messy.

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?

2 - Yes the lessons have been well paced as i always understand the topic before we move onto the next one.

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1 - I think that the knowledge of our teacher is excellent as he always ensures we understand and he always knows what he is talking about.

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

2 - This is the first time i am doing media studies and therefore has met my expectations because i didnt expect it to be this good.

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful?

1 - Yes the trips have been very useful and relevant to what we are learning.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1 - Yes the macguffin blog has been very useful as it is always there when we need help on what to do and is always up to date.

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

- More trips
- More debates
- More time on homework!

By Kunal Thakrar

Avinash said...

1) How well is the course organised? = 1

Very well organised..every lesson is planned. So we always know what we are doing.

2) How interesting is the content that is covered? = 2

Its intersting, as we get to see the text being studied in different ways e.g. visually and then by reading about it.

3)How useful are the handouts? = 1

Useful when refering back to them, as they provide a lot of information and keywords.

4)Have the lessons been well-paced?

Yeah, we usually get things done on time, as usually classwork is completed within the lesson.

5)What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? = 1

Adam And Gary!! Know their stuff, and they always offer to help us when we need it.

6)How well has the course met your expectations? = 1

Yeah we already know from the start of the year what we are going to be studying. It is useful, as it ranges from working together and then alone. Allows us to expirence media in different ways.

7)Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips) = 1

Defoo! Their helpful, as they wrap up the end of each module. And the trips allow us to gain insight into the media in a different way from just reading and writing.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? = 1 much easier than just doing it on paper. And its easier to catch up on any work as it is always posted up on here.

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1) MoRe TrIpsSsS!
2) MoRe GrOuP wOrK! [Independent Study Gets Boringg Sometimess]
3) MoRe DeBaTeS/FiLm ClUb!


Anonymous said...

1) How well is the course organised?
=1 the course is very well organised as we always know what we are about to do in our next lesson so we are well prepared for it(such as the we knew we were about to discuss the bullet boy pack as we had to do the questions for homework)

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?
=2 The course has been pretty interesting so far as we are studying films.

3)How useful are the handouts?
=1 the handouts are very useful as they give a good amount of to the point info without too much waffle

4)Have the lessons been well-paced?
=2 sometimes the lessons are very well paced as we work fast and get a lot done but at times we spend way too much time on one activity- especially in Ms Jones' lessons.

5)What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
=1 the teachers always know what we are doing and explain things well

6)How well has the course met your expectations?
1=the course has meet my expectations well as it is enjoyable and different from other courses as it has better trips and practical productions

7)Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)
=1they have been very useful because they helped us in the work we were about to do, especially the awards evening because it helped give us ideas for our own practical production

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
=1 although i've only used the blog for hwk, i think it is v. useful because it helps us keep up to date and also it'll help evenmore during our productions as we can keep in touch with the teachers

1)Make lessons a bit more enjoyable
2)give more time to do hwk
3)More trips

Sonia Kapoor

Naziya said...

1)How well is the course organised?
i believe that the course is well organised, we get alot of handouts which are very helpful,also the blog is a good idea.

2) How intersting is the content that is covered?

the course covered has been very excicting as well as chalenging, but sometimes it gets boring as we have to work alone.

3) How useful are the handouts?

the handouts given in both my media lessons are very helpful. they help me do my classwork as well as homework.they also are a good source for revision.

4)Have the lessons been well- paced?

yes i think that the lessons have been well paced, but sometimes we just do the same work and it does get boring.

5)What is the standard of the teachers presentation/subject knowledge?

the teachers have got excellent understanding of the course, they teach the students brillantly and make sure they understand what is being taught them.They provide the students with help whenever they need it.

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

It has met my expectations, as i knew it would be totally different to GCSE. i had expected the course to be very exciting and it is.

7)Have the extra Curricular events been useful? (trips awards evening)

yes they have been very useful, as i get new ideas on what i should base my practical production on.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

yes the blog has been very useful to me, as i use it to remind me what homeworks were set or any important dates (trips)

Make three sugesstions you would like to see changed/improved

* more group work
* more educational trips
* And i like the idea of the film club.


HaSsAn said...

• How well is the course organised?
In my opinion the course has been organised well and the teachers are a lot of help when it comes to getting help and information on the work.
How interesting is the content that is covered?
The content covered is interesting because the content such as the film we are studying interests us therefore we don’t feel bored whilst watching the movie or doing work on it to find out more information of the film.
• How useful are the handouts?
Hands are useful as they go into more detail about the topic or media.
• Have the lessons been well-paced?
Lessons are well paced but more discussion on the topics should take place.
• What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
The knowledge of subject by the teacher is very well. they seem to have a wide range of knowledge tied in with media studies.
• How well has the course met your expectations?
It has been good as I have learnt media in GCSE, but a level takes it one step further and I have enjoyed the lessons more as every lesson I learn something new.
• Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)
Yes they have as it shows some of the media text out there. Also media events really helped me and influenced my idea.
• Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
It has as I am able to keep up with media and the work set.

>there should be more trips
>more interactive lessons
>more discussions

HeavenSent..x said...
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HeavenSent..x said...

1) How well is the course organised?

1 = i think that the course is very well organised. Everything is covered in the handouts and discussions we have in class and the blogs are a very good idea.

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?

2 = the content of the course is interesting however i guess because theres more independent work involved this this year and less practical like there was last year it gets abit repititive sometimes but its still aityy because i dont mind doing the blogs

3) How useful are the handouts?

1 = i think that the handouts are very useful as they include everything that we need to know and are a good way of revision because they are easy to refer back to

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?

2 = i think lessons are well-paced,and we cover everything without rushing so everything is understood but sometimes the reading handouts gets abit long

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1 = the teachers' standards are very high so i guess thats why they expect so much from us but they are always there to help and guide us

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

2 = yes the course has met my expectations well

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

1 = yes the trips are fun and informative :) they make a nice change from lessons

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1 = i think the blog is reallyy useful it has everything you need on it so you cant really ever get stuck

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

- more trips
- more discussion or video lessons
- more trips


MOHAMMED said...

How well is the course organised?
the course i think is well organised i understand alot of what goes on in lessons.

How interesting is the content that is covered?
the content of the work is pretty intresting as in a new media lesson learn new things.

How useful are the handouts?
the hand outs r useful cuz they have alot of info that is needed for revsion

Have the lessons been well-paced?
the lessons are well paced we dont move on until everyone knows about the topic however their is alot of reading to do.

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
the presentation of the teachers is realy good they come across friendly and also they have a good teaching style

How well has the course met your expectations?
is practically the same as last year but alot more independant work and loadz of blog wrk!!!

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)ye they been good enjoy going on trips and tings

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
ye is wkd can find loadz of info on da blog and get to read up on new fings.

Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.
-Videos lesson
-less readin

Mohammed 13D

Furzana said...

How Well is the course organised?

1= I think that the course is well organised. Bush and Munroe Know a lot about the course and explain it in depth which is good :)

How interesting is the content convered?

2= The course is interesting as we have covered different aspects of the media. The past and the present of film history. However the black and white films can be boring.

How useful are the handouts?

1= The handouts are very useful as they arent to wordy and make things very clear.

Have the lessons been well-paced?

2= Yes the lessons are well paced as it covers everything well. However the reading can become tediois as it drags on.

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1= Got to say Mr bush and Mr munroe know a lot about the subject. Which is vital. The provide the help we need whenever we ask for it :D

How well has the course meet your expectations?

2= I knew what the course was about last year, and yes it has meet my expectations as the teachers told us we will be covering more film.

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

The extra events we do has been useful and fun at the same time. We learn a lot about it and it motivates us to focus on the subject.

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

The blog has been very useful. It helps us to communicate with the students as well as the teachers. It also teaches us more, as we are learning from each other by looking at each others work and giving advice.

Three suggestions I would like to see changed/ improved are:

1.more trips
2.more handouts
3. Less Reading!! More film watching

Gurveer said...

1)How well is the course organised?

The course has been extremely enjoyable, with the notes and handouts proving to be a lot of help. The class debates also are enjoyable, yet educational, and gives us a break from reading and allows us to apply the knowledge gained. [1]

2)How interesting is the content that is covered?

The debates have been good, but not much apart from reading on theorists has been done for independant study work. The reading does get tideous at times. [2]

3)How useful are the handouts?

The handouts are very useful, providing a lot of information, and by reading as a class and making additional note, also helps. [1]

4)Have the lessons been well paced?

Lessons seem to drag on with the amounts of reading we have to do [3]

5)What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

Teachers seem to know what they're talking about, they can have a laugh as well as staying on track for the serious shizzel. [1]

6)How well has the course met your expectations?

The course so fa has been interesting with all the theorists/theories. I didn't think that there would be this much though. [2]

7)Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

Yes, been fun and informative. It's a real sham abput France though, was looking forward to that again. [1]

8)Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

Yes and no. Its annoying when it doesn't work and you lot seem to think we're blagging it. But it's good for instant feed back. [2]

9)Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1) Lets go France
2) More interactive stuff in lessons
3) Start up a film club for any films


Anonymous said...

1. How well is the course organised?
I think it is very well organised, students are always aware of classwork and homework in which they have been set and teachers make each and every lesson enjoyable.

2.How interesting is the content that is covered?
In this aspect I think media studies is very lucky because many students already keep up to date with the media and have different interest in the media therefore the content within lessons is interesting as well as useful.

3.How useful are the handouts?
The handouts include various pieces of information which all students need to know and all the information within the booklets are relvant however, they could be made more interesting by atleast adding colour!

4.Have the lessons been well-paced?
Yes even though exams are coming up and teachers need to get through the course fairly quickly i have found that we do go through things at a good speed in order to take in information.

5.Teachers presentation knowledge?
All the media staff are highly experienced in the job that they do. If students need help with anything the media staff are always willing. Every year the media department gain fantastic results all thanks to excellent teachers not to mention hard working students.

6.Expectation of course?
The course has been ok so far as i have done media at gcse i found that last year it was preety much pratical based however this year it concentrates on theory which is not always a bad thing as this is an alevel course.

7.Extra-curricular events?
They have all been excellent as the media departement put alot of time and effort into the events not to forget the effort from all the students especially this years media awards which included practical productions of high quality.

8.Macguffin Blog
this has been really useful as we are able to see what homeworks are set also if we have missed lessons we are able to see what is going on. Also, i think every student and teacher finds this website practical as they are able to put up work and students can see what other students have done in the year above.

By Neelema Desai

ﷲKHANﷲ said...


1) How well is the course organised?

1= The course is very well organised; we receive useful info that is directly related to the course which helps us with our studies.

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?

2= So far the content has been interesting but we have been doing loads of independent study. We do lose concentration at times, getting it back can be hard. So there should be more interactive lessons, so we can learn and relax at the same time.

3) How useful are the handouts?

1= Handouts are really helpful; they provide a lot of info and a good source for revision. But boring at the same time, can it not be in colour?

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?

2= Lessons are well-paced, just sometimes lessons can drag on.

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

2= Teachers have a great deal of knowledge and experience, which is passed down to us. They got very good understanding of subject and provide us help whenever we need.

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

2= Well yes it has met my expectations but no at the same time, because I thought it would be partially practical and partially theory based, however so far it seems more theory and less practical based.

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (E.g. Awards Eve, Trips)

1= The trips have been useful and informative. For us yr 12s the Media Awards evening was quite inspirational. However what a shame that we cant go France, everyone was looking forward it.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1= The idea of doing blogs is innovative, provides us a lot of help when we forget deadlines for h/w etc, it keeps us updated.

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

1) More interactive/video lessons/Group work!!!!
2) More trips!!!!
3) Film Club-showing various movies

Anonymous said...

1) How well is the course organised?
1=the course is well organised with helping students like creating the blog to inform us with deadlines.

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?
2=the content of the course is interesting because we are learning topics in more depth.

3) How useful are the handouts?
1=the handouts are useful and we can refer back to them for furture reference.

4) Have the lessons been well-paced?
2=the lessons are well paced because we sure of the topic before we move on.

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
1: The standard of the teacher's presentation and subject knowledge is munro explains things really well and makes sure that we to understand it.

6) How well has the course met your expectations?
1=the course has met my expectations.

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

1= yea they have as they are a change from studying in the classroom yet we are still learning from the trips.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1= The blog is very useful,is a easy way of gathering information about any media related stuff.


Vishna_S said...

How well is the course designed?

1= The course is very well structured and so far it’s been an enjoyable experience. Mr Munro and Ms Jones’ lessons work well together in the sense that the work we do in each lesson is related to the work we do in the other teacher’s lesson so it’s not all over the place.

How interesting is the content that is covered?

2= The content is ok, its not boring which is the main thing I guess!

How useful are the handouts?

2= The handouts are good for simply having lots of info on a subject and it’s good when it comes to organisation because it divides your work up for you. I liked the Film language handout, I always refer to that in lesson and find its very useful.

Have the lessons been well paced?

2= The lessons are paced well, they’re not too fast and not to slow either. Sometimes I think though that more could be achieved in lesson time.

What is the standard if the teacher’s presentation/ subject knowledge?

1= Having Mr Munro for almost 3 years now for Media Studies allows me to naturally enjoy his lessons because I’m used o his teaching style. He’s a media specialist and I always find his standards of teaching, subject knowledge extremely high. Likewise, Having Ms Jones is also a good experience because she previously worked for the BBC and this previous expertise is often reflected in her lessons

How well has the course met your expectations?

1= I didn’t have many expectations for this course because I did it for GCSE and expected it to be set the way it is, but in saying this it hasn’t lacked anything either -there’s not a lesson I come out of thinking “That was crap.”

Have the extra curricular events been useful?

2= I really enjoyed the media studies awards evening and I left it buzzing with ideas for my own practical production. It a good way of influencing students to start thinking about their practical productions. Similarly the ‘Kidulthood’ trip was also good but it’s a shame that the director couldn’t come.

Has the Macguffin blog been useful?

2= The blog is useful when I’ve missed out on homework and I can just go straight onto the website to see what I have to do. Its also useful in terms of its resources, I lost my ‘Kidulthood’ pack and was able to print one off straight away from the website.

3 Suggestions for change/ improvement:

1) Sometimes the lessons appear to be too structured so some ‘spontaneous’ lessons with a change of teaching routine would be good.
2) More trips!
3) More revision/ more lessons targeted towards exam practice.

Anonymous said...

1)how well is the course organised?

2=its ok. nothing bad about it i guess??

2)how interesting is the content that is covered?

1=i find it very interesting. i like watching the films we watch, e.g. Kidulthood and Bullet Boy. i also have enjoyed the trips.

3)How useful are the handouts?

2=they are ok, the film language pack that we got was helpful for the film essay we did.

4)have the lessons been well place?

what does this mean?

5)What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1=Mr munro is excellent :D he knows everything!

6) How well has the course met your expectations?

2=its alright..i knew i would enjoy it anyway. but this blog thing we do (what i am doing right now) is a bit of a waste of time...

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

2=the trips were useful, but i think the media awards should not have been compulsory because i found it a waste of time.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

5=no, i never go on it...

1)we should go on more trips and meet more famous people!

2)less stuff should be made compulsory , for example i heard the film club was going to be sure we watch films in our own time (not after school when HOMEWORK should be done :@)

3)i should get more credits MR MUNRO!

Kirandeep Jheita

Anonymous said...


1= the course has been well organised..there is always a planned lesson and cover work is always provided sao we dont fall be3hind..


1=the course has been well intersting..i didnt do media at GCSE..theres alot of analysin...n writing..wheres all the group work?


1=the handouts have been very helpful they provide not only the basis and ovioud points but also the background to everything we need t know..


2=lessons have been well paced..things have to be picked up quickly in order to stay ontop of things..but generally the lessons go quickly..


1=both my teachers always know what there talking about..debates are always relevant and stay in the media topic..the lesssons are made enjoyable so its easier to learn..


2=the course so far had been wicked..better than i expected..the films were studying are good aswell..generally the subjet is being taught well and there is alot of encouragement from the teachers..


1=the trips and conferances have been useful..they provide us with a better understanding in how to achieve good grades..


the blog has beenv well usefull..keeps work uptodate and helps out that lil bit extra..

3 suggestions...

1) interactive lessons
2) more trips
3) group work

SiMrAn kOhLi...X

Anonymous said...

How Well Is The Course Organised?

..*..The course is well organised, we receive all the information relevant to our work and the booklets and blog helps us keep track of whats going on..*..[.1.]

How Interesting Is The Content That Is Covered?

..*..So far the course has been interesting and by watching films such as "Bullet Boy" and various clips has kept the lessons enjoyable..*..[.2.]

How Useful Are The Handouts?

..*..The handouts are very useful as they provide all the information we need and by annotating them in lessons it becomes a good revision pack..*..[.1.]

Have The Lessons Been Well Paced?

..*..They have been well paced and keep you interested in what your studying..*..[.2.]

What Is The Standard Of The Teachers' Presentation/Subject Knowledge?

..*..Both of the teachers lessons are good and both have good knowledge of what they're teaching which helps us have a greater understanding of the course..*..[.1.]

How Well Has The Course Met Your Expectations?

..*..The course has met my expectations and been fun like I thought it'd be but its also been just as interesting as expected..*..[.1.]

Have The Extra Cirricular Events Been Useful? (E.g. Awards Eve..,Trips)

..*..They been useful as the Awards Evening for example gave us an idea of what was expected from our own practical productions..*..[.1.]

Has The MacGuffin Blog Been Useful?

..*..Its been useful with providing deadlines and important dates and I think it'll become more useful when we get to the practical productions..*..[.2.]

List Of 3 Suggestions Of Things Youd' Like To See Changed/Improved

.1. More Trips
.2. More Group Activities
.3. Wacth more films/clips.


Anonymous said...

1. How well is the course organised?

2 – The course is organised very well and having a blog helps me out when I need more information on anything related to the work we’re doing now.

2. How interesting is the content that is covered?

2 – So far the course has been interesting. Watching movies in lessons (even if they are short clips) helps as we analyse them. But sometimes the work can get a bit too much.

3. How useful are the handouts?

1 – I think that the handouts are very useful as they are in short form which helps me to understand that piece of work much better.

4. Have the lessons been well-paced?

2 – Yep, I think that the lessons have been well-paced even though sometimes not much work is set to do in the class but then again that’s okay :) Overall yeah the lessons have been well-paced as I understand most of the work that we do in lesson.

5. What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1 – Both the teachers are great! They both obviously understand it because I do and plus Mr Munro’s been teaching media studies for years I think so his knowledge of all the work we do is good.

6. How well has the course met your expectations?

2 – I’ve done media before and I enjoyed it then and I still enjoy media studies so it has met my expectations very well.

7. Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

2 – Absolutely! They help improve my knowledge and give me ideas on how to do my work!

8. Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?

1 – Yes it has! It lists all the work we need to get done and by when. And it provides us with information.

Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.
- Maybe more fun trips
- More time to do the homework or less homework :)
- More useful handouts


REBZ said...

1) How well is the course organised?
1- the course is very well organised, we have received a lot of handouts and a lot of interactive lessons, the blog is also a good idea for helping us keep organised.

2) How interesting is the content that is covered?
2- so far the content covered has been very interested although some work has dragged on and not interested me but at the end of the day it’s all important and the work on movies interests me.

3) How useful are the handouts?
1- very useful, every hand out so far has given me a greater understanding about the work or topic it is based on and I hope to see more.

4) Have the lessons been well paced?
1- yes, the lessons have been very well paced and organized.

5) What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
1- very good, both teachers are doing their job very well and helping us understand the subject and a very high standard.
6) How well has the course met your expectations?
1- the course has met my expectations well, I was looking forward to this already as I enjoyed it in GCSE and so far it has been very interesting.

7) Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)
1- they are useful, the media awards was very useful because it gave us ideas on our work, but I think we need more trips not so we can have fun but related to the topic.

8) Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
1- yes, it is very useful because a lot of us use the Internet on a regular basis so we can get on the websites and check important reminders.

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.
1) More trips
2) More hand outs
3) More Interactive lessons.

Anonymous said...

* How well is the course organised?

1) The course is well orginised... we knw what we are supposed to be doing in each lesson... obvioulsy wen bush is your teacher!

* How interesting is the content that is covered?

2) I like the variety of things we do in each lesson, the clips and movies we watch in class... however i do feel our homework is a bit too much

*How useful are the handouts?

1) The handouts would help us alot with our exams, hoework and coursewrok, as it covers the key points in deatail, a great thing to revise from

* Have the lessons been well-paced?

2) The lessons are well paced, they way they relate well to the topic or theme we are studying at the time

* What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

1 ) Mr Bush and Ms Stevens are Both Good teachers, they make the lessons fun whilst helping us learn at the same time

* How well has the course met your expectations?

2 ) The course has been interesting so far, i have enjoyed the topics and felt as though i have learnt alot this past term

* Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips)

2) The media Awards was very usefull as it helped us gain lots of ideas for our own producations .... The conference gave us lots of notes but i think that it was pretty boring and alot of the information given was stuff we already knew

* Has the Macguffin Blog Been Useful?

Alot of time and effort has been put into this blog... it is usefull and helps us gain information

b) Make a list of three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved.

* Moree Tripss
* Less Homeworkkk
* More trailers

**~** X Jalna X **~**